Great sales and business results don’t happen by accident or luck. They happen because teams are being strategic, proactive, and brave!

Being in sales myself, I understand the sprint to the finish line! The rush to close out the year strong, hit your targets, and lock-down any opportunities from the past. Strategic planning for the future is easy to push onto the back burner, but as the saying goes – if you fail to plan, you plan to fail!Strategic planning for the future is easy to push onto the back burner, but as the saying goes – if you fail to plan, you plan to fail! Share on X

Now some of you may be thinking; “2023 is coming whether I’ve planned for it or not – I’ll figure it out when it gets here” or “I come up with great plans on-the-fly! I don’t need to start planning yet.”. There are so many benefits to planning right now – from reduced strain on leadership, to having an edge over the competition. Still need some convincing of why you and your team should be making strategic planning a priority?

Check out the top 5 reasons you should be strategic planning NOW:


1. Understanding the company’s future plan helps to empower employees & increase accountability

It is incredibly important for employees to understand where their company is headed, why they’re headed in that direction, and the role they play in helping the company get there. It not only helps people to feel connected and organized, but it creates a buy-in and builds accountability!


2. Strategic Planning reduces future strain on leadership

Employees with a clear sense of direction require less from managers and leaders. Everyone has a lot on their plates & rarely does a leader have an excess of time to spend monitoring and delegating to-do lists to employees. Micromanagement isn’t needed if you’ve created the right environment and defined the work that needs to be accomplished through strategic planning!


3. Waiting until December to plan for the following year is too late

December is arguably one of the busiest months for sales leaders and teams. Everyone is in overdrive to hit their goals, close out any floating opportunities, and get out Christmas shopping! It is incredibly difficult to get teams together for strategic planning sessions, and doesn’t leave much time for any findings to be digested and deliberated. Strategic planning is not something to rush. Planning early in October or November leaves time for employees to consider the strategies, come up with new suggestions, soak-in the information & close the year feeling prepared for what’s to come.


4. Strategic planning resets the company’s compass

It’s easy for organizations to fall out of being proactive and into a reactive mode. Strategic planning is the reset for your company’s compass – getting you back on track and back in the driver’s seat. It allows you to see where you may have strayed from your ideal path throughout the year, while mapping out how to navigate your way back to your goal destination.Strategic planning is the reset for your company’s compass – getting you back on track and back in the driver’s seat. Share on X

5. Planning now can give you the upper hand over your competitors

A little planning can go a long way – especially if you’re in a competitive market! Analyzing not only your organization’s performance but also your competition is a fantastic way to pinpoint areas for improvement, growth, and differentiation. The sooner you have this information, the better you can plan and strategize for the next quarter (or even year!).


If you’re ready to start strategic planning NOW – download our Strategic Key Account Plan, 3-Year Goal Planning Table, and Ideal Client Analysis templates!

Looking for something to get the whole team on board with Strategic Planning? Introduce some fun, accountability, and teamwork by kicking off a Strategic Planning Workshop – reach out to Catherine for more details!