Sales Tools & Templates

We’ve created simple one-page templates to make it easy for you to be strategic and plan for high growth.

To receive your complimentary tools & templates:

  1. Select as many templates as you’d like. You can select them all!
  2. Enter your contact details at the bottom of the page and click “Request Template(s)”.
  3. The selected templates will be emailed to you momentarily.
  4. Enjoy proactive sales planning and share with your team!

  • 1. Select the template(s) you want to receive

    Understanding your client’s needs and concerns is the first step to being able to help them. This can only happen if you ask relevant questions and listen to their responses. But asking pertinent questions doesn’t occur by accident. This template will guide you to prepare important questions to ask your client, so you can address their needs and position yourself as a consultative expert.
    Having conversations with your clients that are relevant to them and meets their needs is critical to sales success. This template with help you intentionally plan those purposeful conversations, explore solutions, and then decide on your next steps to grow your clients’ business.
    Secure more meetings with your ideal clients by crafting a strong PURPOSE Statement, outlining the 'Why' of your proposed meeting.
    Convert tricky prospects into long-term clients with a Unique Value Proposition.
    Looking to grow your pipeline of opportunities? Prospecting is key! Start your prospecting blitz off right with this 90-Day Prospecting Blitz template to help you plan your activities and stay organized!
    A great client analysis to review your clients to determine who are you ideal and profitable type clients. It takes 1-2 hours to complete and is well worth the time, as many sales professionals have shared. This offers great planning analysis for a new sales year or before you start a Prospecting Blitz to focus on attracting your ideal profitable clients.
    Proposals are a key communication tool. Use this template to build and develop a 3-Option proposal to circle back to their situation and ideal outcome and goals, along with the benefits and ROI of your solutions.
    It’s important that sales professionals have a clear direction of not only where they’re going, but an intentional plan for how to get there. Goal setting helps achieve these objectives. Using this template will prompt you to consider and plan your 90 day, 1 year and 3 year goals in four different categories relevant to your role as a sales professional.
    The best time to ask for referrals is once you have done business with a customer. Use this template to plan your referral strategy and create the habit of asking for referrals on a regular basis. Asking for referrals is easier than you think, and you’ll be surprised at how other businesses/people/clients want to help you when you are committed to growing your business.
    Identifying and capturing key information about your clients should be an important part of your sales strategy. Use this template to capture actual and projected client goals, define strategy, and identify key decision makers within the company and your Return On Time Invested.
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    A special sales stimulation template for when business is in challenging times. You will identify the obstacles - then create strategies, priorities and action plan to execute to stimulate sales.
  • 2. Tell us about you, your organization, and where to email the template(s).