Empower Your Team to Have PURPOSEFUL Sales Conversations
When you’re busy managing sales, it’s hard to find the time to train your team. As a result, everyone does their own thing – or worse; shares poor practices with others.
The good news is, you can boost sales significantly by giving your sales team the proven framework and tools they need in order to:
- Carry out more purposeful, consultative conversations with ideal prospects & clients.
- Go beyond product/price-talk to uncover true needs and additional opportunities.
- Close more sales more often while building long-term business relationships.
It’s tough to stand out in a crowded marketplace. Purposeful Sales Conversations gives your team the edge to win more customers—consistently.

About The Program
Teneo’s flagship “Purposeful Sales Strategies” program will now be offered as “Purposeful Sales Conversations” in a new format to hyper-focus on the PURPOSE Consultative Selling Framework, with additional coaching support to accelerate on-boarding and increase sales results.
This will be offered as an “open program” – allowing salespeople from various industries and organizations to learn and share best sales practices with each other as a cohort. For a team-exclusive training, reach out here!
Upcoming Programs
English (Live):
- Feb. 26, 2025 in Toronto
French (Live):
- March 20, 2025 in Beloeil
English (Virtual):
- Feb. 25 & March 4, 2025
French (Virtual):
- March 11 & 18, 2025
Reach out for more information & registration details
The Rollout
- Kick-off call providing a program overview and setting expectations for the sales & management teams.
- Pre-Work to prepare for the in-person (or virtual) workshop on what’s changing with your customers & marketplace, self-talk and types of selling.
- 1-day LIVE (or two 3-hour virtual sessions) Intensive PURPOSEful Sales Conversation Workshop to learn the PURPOSE consultative selling model.
- Monthly virtual training sessions to re-enforce training & apply with customers.
- Weekly “Ask a Sales Expert” session (1 per month) to ask any challenging sales and/or customer situation questions to increase confidence and achieve better results.
- Sales Coaching Practicum – The culmination of the training with a Teneo/PRIMA coach, assisted by the participant’s manager.
This program is open to all sales professionals from all industries, of all experience levels.
Purposeful Sales Conversation Program: Additional Options
Standard PSC Program + Individual Learning Journey + Weekly Coaching
This option includes enrollment in the standard PSC program, Individual Learning Journey, plus an OMG Sales Evaluation to be completed by your sales team member(s) to identify their sales competency strengths and gaps (highly recommended).
Additional inclusions:
- Individualized Learning Journeys – Participants will have access to an online learning hub (Membrain) which will contain training videos and tools (these will be tailored off of their OMG evaluations, if completed). The videos and tools will focus on improving identified sales competencies for each individual, and will aid in gaining sales confidence
- Weekly Ask A Sales Expert – Participants will receive weekly “Ask a Sales Expert” coaching sessions to better support your sales team members with any challenging customer situations, discussing OMG Sales Competencies to build on, and continue aiding salespeople in applying PURPOSE. We know Sales Managers are at max capacity – the PRIMA/Teneo Experts can provide additional coaching support.
- Focused on the first five sales competencies of responsibility, consultative selling, qualifying, reaching decision makers & closing.
PSC Advanced Tracks
Upon completion of the PSC program, teams can expand their sales skills with a choice of advanced tracks;
- Account Growth
- Sales Process & Planning
- Prospecting Power
These tracks each include a focus on growing business through existing clients or new business development. It will include an intensive virtual session, plus monthly virtual sessions (weekly if in Prospecting Power track) to achieve outcomes.
For pricing & to have a “purposeful” conversation about boosting the performance of your sales team, let’s talk.
Schedule your 30-minute Conversation