Make sure you have the right people in the right positions before you invest in training. Assessments are the first step in the sales training process.

Sales Effectiveness and Improvement Analysis (SEIA)
When you need it: Prior to Sales Training.
For: Your Sales Team, Sales Leaders and Sales Process.
The Sales Effectiveness and Improvement Analysis (SEIA) is the single most important collection of information about your company’s sales organization. SEIA tells you whether your salespeople have the desire and commitment it takes to be successful in sales. You’ll learn who is trainable, how much training they’ll need and the kind of training that will benefit each of them the most. This assessment lets you see where the sales professional currently is, and shows you the route that will take them from good to great. OMG also measures 21 core competencies, giving you detailed insights into the skills and strengths your sales professional already has or needs to improve.
SEIA assesses the people, sales processes, systems and strategies in your organization and helps you identify areas that need an upgrade – like smarter hiring, raising the quality of your pipeline, and sharpening your sales management techniques.

Checkpoint 360°®
When you need it: When you’re developing your existing sales leaders
For: Sales Leaders
The CheckPoint Management System is a 360-degree assessment used to evaluate the effectiveness of your managers and leaders and to help them identify and prioritize their own development opportunities. This survey compiles a feedback system from direct reports, peers, and supervisors, and creates a personalized program for developing specific leadership skills based on that feedback. The reports show you how to improve training, management techniques, and communication for greater success.

Profiles Sales Assessment
When you need it: Before hiring sales professionals
For: Sales Professionals
The Profiles Sales Assessment evaluates how well an applicant will fit a specific sales job in your organization. This assessment draws data based on the top-performing sales people in specific sales jobs in an organization and juxtaposes them against your candidate. It is used primarily for selecting, onboarding, and managing sales people and account managers. The “job modeling” feature is unique, and can be customized by company, sales position, department, manager, geography, or any combination of these.
This assessment will help you to better predict on-the-job performance in seven critical sales behaviors: prospecting, call reluctance, closing the sale, self-starting, working with a team, building and maintaining relationships, and compensation preference.

Customer Service Profile™ Assessment
When you need it: Prior to Customer Conversations program
For: Customer Service Teams
Use the Customer Service Profile Assessment to make successful job placements and develop more effective work teams within the customer service role and industry. The Customer Service Profile Assessment investigates several areas (behavioural traits, proficiencies, company service alignment, and the company service perspective comparison) to evaluate how well an individual will fit into a particular customer service job.
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