Are you eagerly looking forward to when you can meet face to face with customers? Maybe you’re craving the days when work wasn’t solely digital: getting up at 6 am, traveling outside your home, dodging traffic, and barely making it to your next client meeting on time – then ending your day with a client dinner or returning emails in the evening. OMG – this was reality just a few weeks ago?!
Today’s reality is: will you get to sell the same way this year? The chances of large tradeshows, conferences, and even a meeting room with 3-4 buyers and decision influencers present will be slim. Customers will be very selective about who they let in their facilities; interactions are going to remain digital for some time.
I’ve heard sales people referred to as birds in cages who just want to fly. In reality, your wings have been clipped and you’ve been confined to digital working, yet you are still expected to sell and hit your sales targets.
I’ve heard sales people referred to as birds in cages who just want to fly. In reality, your wings have been clipped and you’ve been confined to digital working, yet you are still expected to sell and hit your sales targets. Share on XYour daily commute can be traded in for a virtual platform with a fancy headset and webcam. You can even add a green screen for an intriguing background.
It’s time for you to become an expert at using digital video platforms to sell and differentiate yourself from your competition – this will become your new sales weapon!
That’s why you need to get really good at digital selling – before your competition does just that.
Selling over video calls is a great way to accelerate your success while working from home. It allows you to read facial expressions and body language so that you can understand how to best engage your buyers. As well, seeing each other face to face will enable you to develop trust and credibility.
Here are tips to help you turn your digital conversation into a confident PURPOSE conversation:
- Daily Sales Team Huddles so everyone can become familiar with different platforms. Assign a salesperson a different topic or feature to become an “expert” on. It’s easier than you think – just try and practice!
- Use the PURPOSE Consultative framework as the format to prepare and conduct a digital consultative PURPOSE conversation, just like you would do if you were F2F.
- Turn on your webcams – what does your background look like? Do you feel comfortable seeing yourself on the screen? How can you improve your surroundings to create a professional environment?
- Build rapport by asking clients about their home office environment – look for the clues
- Practice sharing documents, proposal or even a video
- If you’re really brave, you can do a product demo or share products from your showroom
- Don’t do a Sell and Tell Presentation – make it interactive, apply PURPOSE, and ask many open-ended questions. Don’t Sell Too Soon!
- Schedule the next call and follow-up with another virtual call
- If you are conducting a professional sales conversation, then ensure you are dressed professionally – the digital meeting room is not the place for ball caps, t-shirts or hoodies!
Why use virtual platforms and digital solutions, rather than a conference call?
- It allows you to read facial expressions and body language
- Your buyers will be more engaged
- Video calls will last longer than a conference call
- You will develop trust & credibility if done right
Don’t think your customers are relying upon the digital? They are definitely using House Party, Facetime, and Zoom to connect with friends, family … AND your competitors.

Lisa is driven by the mantra – Be Strategic. Be Pro-active. Be Brave. – and has been successfully training and coaching sales leaders and their teams to do the same for over 15 years. As the President of Teneo Results since 2003, she has trained thousands of sales professionals at more than 250 companies across North America. She transitions salespeople away from the standard “product & price” approach to having purposeful business conversations with their customers that drive results.