When you start your prospecting blitz, it’s easier to contact all of the customers and prospects you know in order to grow your business. It’s the most effective and strongest sales strategy.

Yet, I’m going to challenge you to go out of your comfort zone and call the buyers you are not doing business with.

I’m more than half-way through the 90-day prospecting blitz and I’m starting to exhaust the names from my hot sales prospecting list. I started to feel less motivated to make my prospecting calls. I had to find the courage to call different and new prospects, and I’m so glad I did. I secured a meeting with a VP of a company that I did business with over 5 years ago and I received a referral into a new division of a client. This was worth it!

In attending a client sales conference, a CEO stated, “Who are your top three customers? With the fast-changing marketplace, the reality is they will not be your top three customers in three years or even next year.” This is a reality check for all of us. It reminds us to make it a priority to always be prospecting for our new top three large and ideal profitable customers.

Make it a priority to always be prospecting for your new top three large and ideal profitable customers. Share on X

Here are 5 simple strategies to prospect buyers who are not your customers – yet!

  1. Other Divisions or Buyers: Go deep and wide outside your existing clients and buyers. Who can they refer you to?
  2. Tradeshow Leads: Blow the dust off those leads and follow-up on them.
  3. Webinar/Lunch ‘n Learn: Host this type of education/information event to invite new buyers to turn into future leads.
  4. LinkedIn Connections: Who are you connected to? Start a conversation.
  5. Customers you have not done business within the past one to two years: Review your past customer lists.

Be Strategic, Proactive and Brave to nurture those leads – it’s worth it when you get a meeting with a new buyer to help you grow your business!